Annual Report 2022

Annex to the accounts

Annexe to the accounts for the exercicse ended 31 december 2022 (extracts)*

* The annexe and full report can be downloaded from our website


a) General

La présentation des comptes de la Fondation Hirondelle se base sur le concept global des recommandations des Swiss GAAP RPC fondamentales et Swiss GAAP RPC 21. Cette présentation offre une image conforme à la réalité de la situation financière et aux recettes de l’organisation. Les comptes sont conformes à la loi suisse ainsi qu’aux statuts de la Fondation.

Les comptes sont basés sur les comptes annuels au 31 décembre 2022 qui ont été établis selon des principes uniformes. Les montants présents dans les comptes sont arrondis, ce qui peut donner lieu à des écarts minimes au niveau des totaux.

La Fondation Hirondelle adopte la méthode Zewo dans son calcul des charges de projets, administratives et de collecte de fonds, ainsi que dans leur présentation (voir

b) Scope of integration

Les comptes contiennent les comptes annuels de l’ensemble des bureaux de la Fondation Hirondelle présents au Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso, République Centrafricaine et République démocratique du Congo. La FH intègre également le capital de Fondation Ndeke Luka dont elle dispose du contrôle.

Il est à noter que nous travaillons à travers et soutenons des partenaires externes, notamment à Madagascar, en Ukraine, au Pakistan, Burundi et au Myanmar.

c) Conversion of foreign currency

Transactions in foreign currencies are converted at the average rates of the month N-1 in which they are recorded.

Foreign currency assets and liabilities in the balance sheet as at December 31 are converted into Swiss francs at the rates prevailing on December 31. The results of these conversions are recorded in the financial result.

d) Cash and cash equivalents

Cash in hand, in postal accounts and in banks at headquarters and abroad are shown in the balance sheet at their nominal value.

e) Receivables and accruals

Receivables and accruals are stated at their nominal value less any necessary value adjustments.

f) Property, plant and equipment

Fondation Hirondelle uses the straight-line method of depreciation as follows:

IT equipment: 3 years from 1,000 CHF per unit

Other equipment: 3 years from 2,000 CHF per unit

Fixed assets abroad*                            Direct depreciation

* Fondation Hirondelle uses equipment and vehicles for its projects abroad; these are fully depreciated when they are put into service. This situation is justified by the instability of the contexts and difficult conditions in which Fondation Hirondelle operates, which make it difficult to determine their generally short useful life and residual value.

g) Financial assets

Financial fixed assets are recorded in the balance sheet at acquisition cost, taking into account the necessary value adjustments.

h) Provisions

Provisions represent the value of future cash outflows resulting from past events, occurring without compensation. A reliable estimate of the amount of the provision can be made. These provisions are separated into short-term if the use is estimated to be less than twelve months, or beyond that if the provisions are allocated to long-term.

i) Product recognition

Funding contracts

Revenue from funding contracts with donors (governments, foundations, cantons, companies and others) is recognized as revenue in the year in which the funded expenditure is incurred.

Amounts received for a specific project, which have not been used at the balance sheet date and will be used in future years, and where there are contractual stipulations specifying the possibility of returning the asset to the funder, are recorded under the balance sheet liability item “Deferred financing”. Amounts not received for a specific project for which the financed expenses have been incurred at the balance sheet date are recorded under the balance sheet heading “Financing receivable”. The portion of financing receivable for signed funding contracts covering future periods is disclosed as a contingent asset.

Budgetary commitments related to funding contracts are considered as contingent liabilities.

Income from services and donations

Income from services provided (management contracts, expert services, etc.) is recognized when it is definitively acquired by Fondation Hirondelle. It is considered as unrestricted income, unless otherwise specified by the donor.

All other income received without specific earmarking is recorded as unrestricted income. If not used, the balance is allocated to free capital (generated).

Funds from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Summary of funding development (according to the capital variation chart)State of funds on 1.1.2022Attributions to fundsUtilisation for projectsPayments not spent as of 31.12.2022Payments to be received as of 31.12.2022State of funds on 31.12.2022
SDC programme contribution (IP)331 1033 237 000-3 175 300412 804-20 001392 803
SDC mandates and contributions from the Cooperation Bureaux (Buco)507 9682 172 863-1 695 8231 100 592-115 585985 007
Fonds Suisse Division Paix et droit de l’homme110 000139 000-57 023191 9770191 977

j) Taxes

Fondation Hirondelle is exempt from direct income tax according to a decision of June 12, 1995. This decision is not subject to any conditions.

Fondation Hirondelle has been subject to VAT since 01.01.2019.

k) Fundraising and communication

Fundraising and communication expenses amounted to CHF 329 399, or 2.7% of the Fondation’s total expenses.


a) Funds governed by rules of usage

New project initiative fund (a)

There was no change in this fund in 2022.

Solidarity fund (b) / Social fund for Fondation projects (c)

In order to ensure a certain fairness to all our projects, it was decided by the Fondation Board that the various funds aimed at supporting Fondation Hirondelle employees in need in case of extreme situations would all be put into a single fund.

This fund is called the Solidarity Fund and totals CHF 46 014 as of 31.12.22.

Support fund (d)

The Support Fund, which is intended exclusively to consolidate the financial base of Fondation Hirondelle and to help provide it with the liquidity it needs, was replenished in 2022 by CHF 350 to
reach a total of CHF 569 307.

b) Compensation paid to members of governing bodies

The Select Board of Trustees and the Board of Trustees work on a voluntary basis.

The remuneration of the executive management team for 2022 amounts to CHF 412 076,40 (2021: CHF 409 881,60).