General financial situation
Fondation Hirondelle saw its volume rise by 20% compared with 2022, with a total realized volume of CHF 14.8 million. This growth can be explained by an increase in our activities in Burkina Faso, Niger, CAR and Ukraine, despite complicated external factors such as the growing insecurity in the Sahel.
Fondation Hirondelle achieved a positive result of CHF 85,404, which is lower than for 2022. This result will nevertheless enable us to strengthen the organization by boosting its equity base.
Almost 90% of the Fondation’s expenditure is allocated to our projects in the field. Management and administration costs (Finance, HR, IT) account for 9% of expenses, while communication and fundraising costs represent 1.5%. All the 2023 accounts and expenditure indicators are presented in accordance with Zewo standards, for which Fondation Hirondelle has been certified since 2019.
An independent auditor has certified that the financial statements summarized below give a true and fair view of Fondation Hirondelle’s financial position. A full report of the 2023 financial statements is available on our website
Human resources
We conduct our work with a team of 296 professionals worldwide (as at December 31, 2023). Fondation Hirondelle has 257 national staff in the countries where we operate. The number of expatriate staff in the field was 10 at the end of 2023. There were 29 positions in Switzerland, including apprentices and trainees, corresponding to a full-time equivalent (FTE) of 19 at the end of 2023.
In addition to these employees, we have a large team of correspondents and freelancers who enable us to work staying as close as possible to our beneficiaries in the countries where we operate. We also regularly call on training experts to strengthen the capacity of our team partners.
Project expenditure
Projets 2023 | en CHF |
CAR | 3 276 715 |
Niger | 2 241 210 |
Burkina Faso | 2 066 954 |
Mali | 1 944 114 |
Headquarters | 1 540 738 |
Ukraine | 1 133 250 |
DRC | 570 302 |
Transitional Justice | 473 570 |
Madagascar | 435 120 |
Myanmar | 239 946 |
West African training against violence and extremism | 200 887 |
Research | 156 841 |
Tunisia | 115 636 |
Editorial innovation | 113 703 |
New projects | 104 079 |
Miscellaneous projects | 71 733 |
Pakistan | 50 841 |
Burundi | 47 082 |
MEAL | 40 085 |
Benin | 9 441 |
TOTAL | 14 832 256 |

Financial resources
Sources of revenue | in CHF | in % |
Public funding | ||
Switzerland | ||
Partnership contract SDC | 3 444 175 | 22,9% |
FDFA, Peace and Human Rights division | 220 977 | 1,5% |
FEDEVACO | 70 320 | 0,5% |
SDC mandates / BUCO project contribution | 2 330 312 | 15,5% |
Other | ||
United Nations agencies (UNICEF, UNPD) | 949 293 | 6,3% |
Germany (GIZ + MoFA) | 480 979 | 3,2% |
Denmark (FAMOC) | -8 292 | -0,1% |
European Commission | 3 455 373 | 23,0% |
Spain (embassy) | 10 159 | 0,1% |
United States (embassy) | 23 805 | 0,2% |
France (Crisis and support Centre) | 40 490 | 0,3% |
Czech republic (MoFA) | 77 426 | 0,5% |
United Kingdom (FCDO-UKCSS, H2H Network) | 718 349 | 4,8% |
Sweden (SIDA) | 906 602 | 6,0% |
12 719 970 | 84,6% | |
Private funding | ||
Switzerland | ||
Swiss Solidarity | 883 168 | 5,9% |
Private Donors | 38 055 | 0,3% |
Private Foundations | 665 256 | 4,4% |
Loterie Romande | 30 000 | 0,2% |
RTS Partnership | 75 000 | 0,5% |
Other | ||
Other donors | 137 381 | 0,9% |
IFPIM | 136 374 | 0,9% |
1 965 234 | 13,1% | |
Other products | ||
Income from services and sales | 350 859 | 2,3% |
350 859 | 2,3% | |
TOTAL INCOME | 15 036 063 |
Foundations & corporate donors
We wish to thank the following for their support in 2022: Büchi Foundation, Däster-Schild Stiftung, Domaine Public, Fagus lucida-Stiftung, Fondazione aiuto alla cooperazione e allo sviluppo, Fondation Alfred et Eugénie Baur, Fondation d’Aide à l’Enfance et au Tiers-Monde, Fondation d’aide sociale et culturelle du Canton de Vaud, Fondation du Domaine de Villette, France & Thierry Lombard, Fondation genevoise de bienfaisance «Valeria Rossi di Montelera», la Fondation Internationale Prix Balzan, Fondation Isocrate, Fondation Madeleine, Fondation Philanthropique Famille Sandoz, Fondation Philanthropique Takoha E&D Wanner, Karl Popper Foundation, Temperatio Stiftung, anonymous foundation and individual donors.
Summary of Fondation Hirondelle accounts
The overall presentation of Fondation Hirondelle accounts meets the requirements of the Swiss norms GAAP RPC and GAAP RPC 21. This presentation gives a true and fair view of the financial situation and income of the organization. The accounts comply with Swiss law and the Fondation’s statutes. The summary of accounts is based on the annual accounts as of December 31, 2023, which have been prepared in accordance with the above-mentioned principles. The audit report of the annual accounts and the notes to the accounts for the financial year are available on our website at the following address:
Balance sheet as of december 31
ASSETS | 2023 | 2022 |
Current assets | ||
Liquid assets | 5 289 193 | 7 842 192 |
Credits | 109 627 | 184 899 |
Funding to be received | 1 970 764 | 1 031 581 |
Other receivables | 660 872 | 299 642 |
Accruals and deferred income | 277 303 | 185 917 |
8 307 760 | 9 544 232 | |
Intangible assets | ||
Financial assets | 359 707 | 332 631 |
Fixed assets | 68 281 | 42 037 |
427 987 | 374 668 | |
TOTAL ASSETS | 8 735 747 | 9 918 900 |
LIABILITIES Short-term liabilities | ||
Short-term debts | 610 009 | 483 946 |
Funding received in advance | 4 391 794 | 5 848 659 |
Accrual and deferred income | 279 149 | 198 273 |
Various loans | 14 | 392 |
5 280 966 | 6 531 270 | |
Long-term liabilities | ||
Provision for legal contingencies | 76 046 | 128 164 |
Provision for termination of staff contracts | 102 040 | 73 310 |
178 086 | 201 474 | |
Allocated funds | ||
Initiative Fund | - | 216 468 |
Solidarity Fund | 51 149 | 46 014 |
Support Fund | 569 307 | 569 307 |
620 456 | 831 789 | |
Equity capital | ||
Foundation capital | 50 000 | 50 000 |
Capital FNL | 12 315 | 12 315 |
Operating capital | 2 508 521 | 1 830 990 |
Final result | 85 404 | 461 063 |
2 656 240 | 2 354 368 | |
TOTAL LIABILITIES | 8 735 747 | 9 918 900 |
Operating account of fondation Hirondelle

INCOMES | 2023 | 2022 |
Public funding | ||
Switzerland | ||
Partnership contract SDC | 3 444 175 | 3 175 300 |
FDFA, Peace and Human Rights division | 220 977 | 57 023 |
FEDEVACO | 70 320 | 68 100 |
SDC mandates and project contribution | 2 330 312 | 1 695 823 |
Other | ||
United Nations agencies (UNICEF, UNPD) | 949 293 | 421 802 |
Germany (GIZ + MoFA) | 480 979 | 179 340 |
Denmark (FAMOC) | -8 292 | 267 146 |
European Commission | 3 455 373 | 2 634 078 |
Spain (embassy) | 10 159 | - |
United States (embassy) | 23 805 | 13 766 |
France (Crisis and support Centre) | 40 490 | 257 993 |
Czech republic(MoFA) | 77 426 | 81 870 |
United Kingdom (FCDO-UKCSS, H2H Network) | 718 349 | 91 342 |
Sweden (SIDA) | 906 602 | 1 976 000 |
12 719 970 | 10 919 583 | |
Private funding | ||
Switzerland | ||
Swiss Solidarity | 883 168 | 392 046 |
Private Donors | 38 055 | 109 128 |
Private Foundations | 665 256 | 312 382 |
Loterie Romande | 30 000 | 30 000 |
RTS Partnership | 75 000 | 75 000 |
Other | ||
Other donors | 137 381 | 449 983 |
IFPIM | 136 374 | - |
1 965 234 | 1 368 540 | |
Other products | ||
Income from services and sales | 350 859 | 573 136 |
350 859 | 573 136 | |
TOTAL INCOME | 15 036 063 | 12 861 258 |
Of which non-tied income | 467 259 | 757 264 |
Of which tied income | 14 568 804 | 12 103 994 |

EXPENDITURES | 2023 | 2022 |
Expenditure for projects | ||
Staff | 6 816 042 | 6 160 938 |
Operations | 5 826 406 | 4 193 754 |
Depreciation | 649 069 | 488 736 |
13 291 517 | 10 843 427 | |
Expenditure for Administration | ||
Staff | 770 797 | 758 083 |
Operations | 506 437 | 450 283 |
Depreciation | 48 727 | 18 303 |
1 325 961 | 1 226 669 | |
Expenditure for Fundraising and communication | ||
Staff | 166 328 | 251 928 |
Operations | 46 784 | 75 805 |
Depreciation | 1 666 | 1 666 |
214 778 | 329 399 | |
TOTAL EXPENDITURE | 14 832 256 | 12 399 494 |
Operating result | 203 806 | 461 763 |
Financial results | ||
Financial income | 1 210 | 440 |
Gain/Loss (-) on foreign exchange | -134 957 | 9 429 |
-133 748 | 9 869 | |
Exceptionnal result | ||
Exceptionnal Expenditures (-) and Incomes | 15 346 | -10 569 |
15 346 | -10 569 | |
Annual result before allocations | 85 404 | 461 063 |
Allocations / deductions | ||
Allocation to Unrestricted Capital | -301 872 | -461 063 |
Withdrawal of Related Funds | 216 468 | - |
Surplus/(deficit) for the year | - | - |
Table of capital variation
Description of funding | Position of funds 01.01.2023 | Internally generated income | Attributions to funds | Internal transfers | Use for projects | Position of funds 31.12.23 | Funding received in advance | Funding to be received |
Allocated funds (Funding to be received /received in advance) | ||||||||
Funds Burkina Faso | 868 996 | 2 102 127 | -2 093 522 | 877 601 | 1 443 910 | -566 135 | ||
Funds Burundi | -169 267 | 177 229 | -47 865 | -39 903 | - | -39 903 | ||
Funds Benin | - | - | -45 150 | -45 150 | - | -45 150 | ||
Funds Covid | -22 750 | 28 845 | - | 6 095 | 6 096 | - | ||
Editorial innovation Funds | - | 113 704 | -113 704 | - | - | - | ||
Funds Research | - | 159 602 | -162 060 | -2 458 | 5 542 | -8 000 | ||
West Africa training against violence and extremism Funds | 191 977 | - | -220 977 | -29 000 | - | -29 000 | ||
Funds Transitional JustIce | 106 000 | 439 875 | -489 875 | 56 000 | 56 000 | - | ||
Funds Miscellaneous projects | - 4 419 | 58 663 | -88 658 | -34 415 | - | -34 415 | ||
Funds Madagascar | -46 885 | 488 500 | -447 046 | -5 429 | 145 | -5 573 | ||
Funds Mali | 279 636 | 2 012 754 | -1 924 252 | 368 138 | 381 829 | -14 550 | ||
Funds MEAL | 14 400 | 26 995 | -41 395 | - | - | - | ||
Funds Myanmar | -11 530 | 333 481 | -252 777 | 69 173 | 76 185 | -7 011 | ||
Funds Niger | 339 283 | 1 571 575 | -2 259 848 | -348 990 | 53 935 | -402 238 | ||
Funds New projects | 1 | 104 079 | -104 079 | - | - | - | ||
Funds Pakistan | 20 410 | 32 842 | -53 251 | - | - | - | ||
Funds Central African Republic | 2 107 368 | 665 595 | -3 284 659 | -511 697 | 51 659 | -563 356 | ||
Funds Democratic Republic of Congo | 7 879 | 1 639 966 | -595 531 | 1 052 313 | 1 052 313 | - | ||
Funds Ukraine | 766 366 | 1 271 502 | -1 252 669 | 785 198 | 1 010 524 | -225 327 | ||
Funds Tunisia | -111 536 | 258 556 | -147 580 | -561 | 29 546 | -30 106 | ||
Funds Headquarters | 481 146 | 728 268 | -985 304 | 224 109 | 224 109 | - | ||
Total allocated funds | 4 817 076 | 12 214 156 | - | -14 610 204 | 2 421 027 | 4 391 793 | -1 970 764 | |
Tied funds | ||||||||
Initiative Fund | 216 468 | - | - 216 468 | - | - | |||
Solidarity Fund | 46 014 | 5 135 | - | - 51 149 | ||||
Support Fund | 569 307 | - | - | 569 307 | ||||
Total tied funds | 831 789 | 5 135 | - | 620 456 | ||||
Foundation capital | ||||||||
Initial capital | 50 000 | - | - | 50 000 | ||||
Capital FNL | 12 315 | - | - | 12 315 | ||||
Income from services and sales | - | 411 989 | -425 859 | - | ||||
Unrestricted Capital | 2 292 053 | 85 404 | 216 468 | - | 2 593 925 | |||
Net profit/(loss) for the year | - | - | - | - | ||||
Total Foundation capital | 2 354 368 | 497 393 | -425 859 | 2 656 240 | ||||
TOTAL | 8 003 232 | 12 947 054 | -15 036 063 | 5 697 723 |