Studio Tamani produces three and a half hours of daily radio programming to inform and engage “All the voices of Mali” in dialogue. Since August 2013, it has offered newscasts in five languages (French, Bambara, Peulh, Tamasheq, Songhai), a major talk show, news and features on specific issues.
All content is produced by an editorial team of 43 Malian journalists and technicians based in Bamako, and a network of 45 correspondents throughout the country. Productions are broadcast by a network of 85 radio and three television partners across Mali. The content is also published on the web and social media, and can be listened to free of charge via a telephone service.
Key figures 2023
1 108 hours of broadcasting per year
327 media professionals trained
3,4 million weekly listeners
225,000 users on social media
86 % listener trust rate
Financial Volume
1,944,114 CHF
Sources of Funding
• Switzerland (SDC)
• United Kingdom (FCDO-CSSF)
• Switzerland (Project contribution)
• Sweden (SIDA)
• Czech Republic (MOFA)
• Income generated
• Fondation d’Aide à l’Enfance et au Tiers-Monde
• Fondation Madeleine
• Spain (embassy)
• Danemark (FAMOC)
In 2023, Mali adopted a new constitution, but the transition initiated in 2020 by the military continues without clarity on the electoral calendar. In April 2024, the activities of political parties were suspended until further notice and the media were forbidden to report on them. The UN multidimensional integrated stabilization mission in Mali (MINUSMA) has withdrawn from the country. Insecurity and the high cost of living persist. Self-censorship is widespread in the media, for fear of arrests and bans on broadcasting. Against this backdrop of misinformation and disinformation, Studio Tamani remains today the only independent media covering the whole country, with “All the voices of Mali” taking account of its social and cultural diversity.
In 2023, Studio Tamani added to its programming a 2 x 25-minute humanitarian magazine in French and Bambara. Its youth programme was also reformatted with original content. Over 50 journalists and technicians were mobilized in June to cover the referendum on the new constitution. For the Biennale artistique et culturelle in Mopti, the editorial team produced seven special editions. There were also live broadcasts of the nine evenings of competition between regional troupes, as well as 105 reports, debates and magazines.
Studio Tamani is really the best in terms of broadcasting good information. I started listening to you in Banamba in 2019. I am now a loyal listener. I listen to all your programmes morning and evening wherever I am, as well as your Grand Dialogue debate. Long may you continue!
Fofana Cheickné, writing on social networks
Broadcast of the studio’s programmes extends beyond its network of 180 radio and TV partners. Studio Tamani’s programmes on culture, peace and living together are also widely followed on social networks and websites.
Studio Tamani has trained 327 media professionals in crisis, humanitarian and conflict journalism, referendum coverage, community radio management and the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse.
In 2024, Studio Tamani will give more space to culture, sport, and information on climate change. The fact-checking desk will also be strengthened, with emphasis on media education. A new digital strategy is being developed, with the possibility of broadcasting programmes on WhatsApp and offering podcasts.