Justice Info website is the only international media to focus its coverage — free of charge and in five languages — on justice initiatives in countries facing the most serious violence: war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide. It focuses on initiatives such as truth commissions, reparations, remembrance, reconciliation and universal jurisdiction.
The role of Justice Info is to make these processes accessible, to democratize transitional justice, make it understandable, and enable dialogue between its actors and those it should serve. Over 200 articles are produced each year by some 30 correspondents plus experts around the world, providing a unique source of reports and debates on the experience of human societies in the face of mass violence.
Key Figures 2023
456 articles published
38 correspondents trained around the world
500,000 web users
130,000 social network users
Financial Volume
473,571 CHF
Sources of Funding
• Switzerland (SDC Programme contribution)
• Fondation Isocrate
• Anonymous foundation
• Private donations
The world is witnessing a shift towards use of transitional justice in the West, whereas it had tended to be confined to the “global South”. This shift is due notably to the emergence of demands from indigenous peoples, collective awareness of environmental rights, the resurgence of issues concerning the colonial past, and the growing importance of universal jurisdiction.
Justice Info coverage in 2023 was marked by several initiatives, such as a special issue devoted to “enforced disappearances”. The trial in Guinea of the September 28, 2009 massacre, which is closely followed in that country, received particular attention, as did the historic Swedish trial of two Lundin oil company executives for complicity in war crimes. Justice Info also continued its coverage of the vast transitional justice process in Colombia. In Ukraine, we continued to monitor war-related trials. Unprecedented coverage was set up to report on trials taking place in occupied territories or in Russia. The end of the year was marked by intense activity at the International Court of Justice in The Hague, notably on Palestine.
Justice Info allows me to explore issues that are rarely addressed by the media in my country, which are obsessed with immediacy and headlines. I can relate the expectations of victims, tackle complex issues and reflect on the legitimacy of justice.
Andrés Bermúdez Liévano, Justice Info correspondent in Colombia
Consolidating an audience of 500,000 web users and 130,000 on social networks was a priority for Justice Info. Traffic is now of better quality and more stable, thanks to human investment in search engine optimisation (SEO), publishing methods and our archives.
In 2023, the first meeting of Justice Info correspondents was held. Around ten international journalists met in Geneva for editorial exchanges. Justice Info has trained 38 Ukrainian journalists to cover war crimes trials.
In the coming months, there are plans to produce major investigative reports in partnership with other media. The editorial team plans to launch a series of reports on Palestine. Justice Info will also be involved in covering a trial in Paris of personalities close to the Syrian regime. Finally, Justice Info plans to hold annual meetings of its correspondents in order to develop a collective strategy and capitalise on its diverse network.