Fondation Hirondelle has published a concept note for optimizing collaboration between media and the various players involved in mediation. Media provide the space for dialogue needed to achieve lasting peace.
Fondation Hirondelle has been active for 30 years in conflict and post-conflict contexts, which implies covering both formal and informal mediation processes, whether driven by the international community or local players. In its broadest sense, mediation encompasses both the assistance of a third party in negotiations between two conflicting parties, and the facilitation of dialogue towards a new social contract. Media, according to the etymology of the word, are intermediaries. They link different realities, points of view and human groups in order to share perceptions and knowledge about the causes and consequences of violence and conflict. The way in which the media cover mediation processes therefore widely determines the chances that mediation will take place, lead to peace agreements and have lasting effects.
However, the quality of information provided by the media to local populations most directly concerned is often undermined by media fragility and polarization, misinformation on social networks and the lack of exchange between the media and actors supporting these processes. Furthermore, the very nature of mediation, namely the principle of confidentiality, constrains or slows down information sharing with the public. Similarly, the different types of peace process (ranging from ceasefire agreements to the definition of a new social contract) influence the possible involvement of the media.
Fondation Hirondelle has been active since 2018 in the European consortium ERMES (European Resources for Mediation Support) with other organizations active in mediation processes. We initiated in 2023 a reflection with several NGOs on “Media and Mediation” to optimize collaboration between journalists and various actors in mediation processes. Discussions on a pilot implementation project are underway with several donors involved in mediation issues.
Studio Kalangou covered in 2023 the process led by national, traditional and religious authorities and representatives of civil society in the Tillabéri region, northwest of Niamey, to bring peace between communities. Pressure from terrorist groups and limited access to resources had exacerbated existing tensions between rival communities, leading to instability in the region. Studio Kalangou produced a video in the Tondikiwindi locality, which was then posted on social networks.
In November, the editorial team followed up. A radio feature looked at the impact of the peace agreement by giving a voice to people from different communities, so that they could express their feelings on what the peace process had changed for them.

The Fondation has summarized recommendations in a concept note to ensure that media involvement in mediation processes is qualitative, more systematic, and maximizes their contribution to peace efforts. They include:
• Strengthen the inclusiveness and access of all populations concerned to information on the mediation process, in their local language(s) and through appropriate technologies (taking into account the digital divide and the “leave no one behind” principle);
• Encourage the establishment of partnerships between mediation protagonists and the media, upstream of the process;
• Support the media so that they can provide in-depth, ongoing coverage of these processes;
• Strengthen media capacities well in advance of mediation processes;
• Strengthen psychosocial support for mediators and for journalists covering mediation processes;
• Train mediators in media issues;
• Strengthen media and information literacy among the general population.